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06 Jul 2022

NAIDOC Week 3-10 July 2022

The observance of NAIDOC week holds an incredible significance to TEM. The continual support of our Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples by way of our involvement with, alignment to and empowerment of First Nations people is a proud achievement, and especially so as we announce our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Endorsement.

View our RAP here.

Our RAP encompasses our encouragement to respectful relations with First Nations people through the provision of support and mutual understanding. The responsibility we hold as a company echoes through our current partnerships such as our partnership with the Arnhem Land Fire Abatement Northern Territory (ALFA NT) where, since 2014, we have worked alongside this long standing organisation managing the sale of carbon credits. We also proudly announce our donorship with the Karrkad Kanjdji Trust (KKT) a not for profit philanthropic organisation dedicated to the preservation of Indigenous culture through their support of community, education and employment.  This donorship supports women rangers who are caring for country across Arnhem land.

The history of this significant week ties back before the 1920’s where Aboriginal rights groups first boycotted Australia Day (26 January) protesting against the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians. Met by mostly ignorance from the Australian public, the movement acknowledged the necessity for it to become active.

Australia Day 1938, after years of police harassment when protesting this movement, protesters marched the streets of Sydney marking one of the first major civil rights gatherings in the world – this day would be forever known as the Day of Mourning.

It became increasingly evident that this passionate movement should be a regular event prompting William Cooper, founder of the Australian Aborigines League (AAL) to seek assistance and support from the National Missionary Council of Australia to run this event annually.

The next fifteen years saw the Day of Mourning held each year, the Sunday before Australia Day, where it was known as Aboriginies Day. In 1955 this incredibly significant day shifted to the first Sunday in July to adequately celebrate the Aboriginal Culture not just protest it.

Between 1956-1990 the National Aborigines Day Observance Committee (NADOC) was formed and with it preserved the second Sunday in July to remember Aboriginal people and their heritage. Since 1991, alongside the increasing awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, NADOC was expanded to recognise Torres Straight Islander people and their culture.

The new name and a decision around its weeklong celebration began the committee now known as the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC).

Today NAIDOC week celebrates Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! the theme for 2022 where we encourage and support everyone to secure institutional, structural, collaborative, and cooperative reforms. We promote systemic change and celebrate those who have motivated and led change in our communities over generations.

Important information

This information has been prepared by Tasman Environmental Markets Australia Pty Ltd (TEM), a corporate authorised representative (ABN 97 659 245 011, CAR 001297708) of TEM Financial Services Pty Limited (ABN 58 142 268 479, AFSL 430036). This material is for general information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice or take into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. While we believe that the material is correct, no warranty of accuracy, reliability, or completeness is given, except for liability under statute which can’t be excluded. Before making an investment decision, you should first consider if the information is appropriate for your circumstances and seek professional financial advice. Please note past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.