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26 Nov 2021

Qantas launches ‘green tier’ for carbon-conscious travellers

Qantas Frequent Flyers who make sustainable choices at home and when they travel will be rewarded with extra points and status credits under a new Green membership tier.

The Green tier will sit alongside existing flying tiers, and is designed to educate, encourage and reward the airline’s 13 million frequent flyers for everything from offsetting their flights, staying in eco-hotels, walking to work and installing solar panels at home.

Qantas will be the first airline in the world to reward frequent flyers for being more sustainable in the air and on the ground.

One of the key components of the launch is the new Offset Your Home and Car product (powered by TEM’s BlueHalo® technology) on the Qantas Rewards Store. Included in the Green Tier program, customers can now use cash or points to offset their household footprint and support powerful TEM offset projects in Australia and around the world. To promote the launch and boost uptake, early customers will also go into the draw to win a holiday to the Great Barrier Reef.

Important information

This information has been prepared by Tasman Environmental Markets Australia Pty Ltd (TEM), a corporate authorised representative (ABN 97 659 245 011, CAR 001297708) of TEM Financial Services Pty Limited (ABN 58 142 268 479, AFSL 430036). This material is for general information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice or take into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. While we believe that the material is correct, no warranty of accuracy, reliability, or completeness is given, except for liability under statute which can’t be excluded. Before making an investment decision, you should first consider if the information is appropriate for your circumstances and seek professional financial advice. Please note past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.