Bush carbon

Registry information: Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU) administered by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER)
Standard: Australian Government Emissions Reduction Fund
Unit type: Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU)


TEM-sourced or operated human-induced regeneration projects in New South Wales and South-West Queensland help support native forest regeneration and sustainable agricultural practices. These projects rehabilitate vegetation in areas that have historically been cleared and over-grazed, improves soil condition and can provide habitat for native wildlife.

These projects store carbon in regenerated native forest. They generate carbon credits in return for reducing the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

According to the Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator, allowing native forests to regenerate has a range of other benefits including:

  • Providing income for farmers
  • Providing shelter for livestock
  • Reducing soil erosion and salinity
  • Ecosystem health/ improved water quality
  • Providing habitat for species such as insects, birds and reptiles.
The projects may contribute to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Key Facts
  • Project Type: Native Forest Regeneration
  • Location: New South Wales and Queensland
Key Impacts can include
  • Emissions reduction
  • Wildlife protection
  • Habitat conservation
  • Improved soil condition
Evidence of co-benefits/carbon claims
  • The carbon abatement reported by these projects have been scientifically measured using the Carbon Farming Initiative Human-Induced Regeneration of a Permanent Even-Aged Native Forest – 1.1 Methodology and independently verified as required under the Emissions Reduction Fund
  • Contributions toward SDG 8 and 15 are not required to be monitored and reported by the project proponent under the Emissions Reduction Fund, however can be reasonably assumed to occur for projects using the Carbon Farming Initiative Human-Induced Regeneration of a Permanent Even-Aged Native Forest – 1.1 Methodology (note United Nations Sustainable Development Goals may vary depending on the specific project)

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